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Contact Leslie Fuqua at

The LOC meets at least twice a year at SSA Conferences to discuss issues that are of interest to owners of multiple facilities. These meetings allow owners to share knowledge and make lasting relationships in a friendly atmosphere. The LOC meetings feature sessions with speakers that are knowledgeable in the industry presenting topics of interest specifically for large owners.

LOC members must be registered for the SSA Conference in the Full, Additional or LOC One Day Only Categories in order to attend the LOC meeting. Wristbands, which are required for entrance will be issued to all LOC members who register to attend the meeting. LOC member companies are entitled to two (2) wristbands for each LOC meeting. Additional executives and partners of a member company can purchase LOC meeting wristbands for $100.00 each. When you register for the SSA Conference, you will have the opportunity to purchase additional meeting wristbands.

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